Pearl's Peril Wiki




Plot Summary

  • The chapter opens with Pearl behind bars after being framed for the murder of Silas. Her grandmother’s ghost reappears and gives her more cryptic advice.
  • Iris comes to visit her and Luc also arrives to apologize for arresting her, explaining that he had no choice. Pearl realizes that she has no way of proving her innocence without revealing the Golden Mean at the same time.
  • They revisit the crime scene to try and find evidence of Marina. They find her hotel and her passport, and then go to her room and find ammunition matching the caliber of Agnes’ gun. They also find a photo of Pearl’s Father - more evidence that they were romantically involved.
  • They manage to find enough evidence against Marina to exonerate Pearl in court, and she and Luc share a kiss at the end of the chapter.

Key Clues

  • Message from Grandpa (Jail Cell)
  • Matchbook (Crashed Jeep)
  • Ammunition (Marina’s Room)
  • Photo of Samuel Wallace (Marina’s Room)
  • Compact (The Courthouse)

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